
Extension of Sojourn Period (visa extension) for International Students

  • admin
  • 2020-04-29
  • 5645

Extension of Sojourn Period (visa extension)

1. Target: International students whose visa expire between 2020.4.30~7.31 

                * How to check visa expiry date: "HiKorea homepage ( > HIKOREA Favorites Service> Check the authorized period of stay

2. How to extend visa

    A. Online application : You can apply online “e-Application” in HiKorea ( *10,000 won discount on e-Application

                            (Check attached files for detailed information)                        


    B. Reserve visit to immigration office: HiKorea homepage > Reserve Visit > Appointment Reservation (non-member) > Identification with Alien Registration No. or Passport No. > Schedule visit date and time > Visit immigration office on the scheduled date

3. Required documents: Check attached files


Students who are due to have their visas expiring must extend their visa within the period and use e-application as much as possible!