Educational Objectives
The Division of Northeast Asia Cultural Industries is a department established in 2008 integrating humanities, social sciences and natural sciences with culture as the pivotal concept. The Division offers cultural exchange program and cultural content program. The cultural exchange major studies traditional media such as film, broadcasting, publishing and performing arts and, the cultural content major studies digital media such as game, animation, mobile content and internet. Despites the differences in the educational content, both programs focus on producing media professionals equipped with production skills and they share common courses.
Majors and Studies
The Division of Northeast Asia Cultural Industries aims to,
(1) To produce individuals equipped with multiple language skills and deep understanding of global cultural trends and Northeast Asian cultural codes and,
(2) To produce individuals who can demonstrate skills in cultural marketing and exchange in the Northeast Asian region.
More specifically, the Division produces individuals who can demonstrate planning, distribution and management skills in media, performing arts, publishing and digital cultural content industries. Also, it produces individuals who can plan and take on cultural projects of major corporations at home and abroad, using cultural codes around the world. To do this, the Division offers a curriculum that focuses on cultural characteristics of various regions including Korea. The entire, undergraduate courses also emphasize the development of production and development skills of the students and balanced learning of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.