
Free Special TOPIK for International Students: Application Guide

  • admin
  • 2022-06-07
  • 2895


Free Special TOPIK for International Students: Application Guide


The International Education Center is offering free topic lectures for international students to prepare for the TOPIK exam. We hope you show interest and consider participating!


■ Course period and time: 2022.6.27(Mon) - 2022.7.8(Fri), 15:00 - 17:00 (total 5 days, 10 hours)

 The course might get canceled in two cases: 1) COVID-19 social distancing is at level 4 or higher, 2) the number of applicants is less than 6

■ Who can participate: International students currently enrolled at Kwangwoon University 

■ Contents of the course: Lectures on solving exam questions to acquire TOPIK level 4 

■ Course benefits: Free tuition (BUT textbook purchase fee will not be covered) 

■ Number of applicants: 20 people on a first-come, first-served basis (Class will be canceled if there are less than 6 applicants) 

■ How to apply: 2022.5.23(Mon) - 2022.6.8(Wed) until 5 pm,  online application, URL 

■ Inquiries: Kwangwoon International Education Center, phone: 02-940-5306


International Education Center