
Exploring Kwangwoon University's Campus Town Excellence

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  • 2023-10-24
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Visit Kwangwoon University for the Outstanding Campus Town Case

- Inha University’s8th Urban Regeneration Expert

Academy Visits Kwangwoon University to Learn the Best Practices of Campus Towns -


박태원 도시부동산학과 교수(광운대 캠퍼스타운사업단 단장)의 강의 모습

Lecture by Professor Park Tae-Won from the Department of Urban Real Estate (Director of the Kwangwoon University Campus Town Project Group) 


27 faculty members and students from Inha University’s ‘8th Urban Regeneration Expert Academy,’ including Professor Kim Kyung-Bae (Graduate School of Urban Regeneration),visited the Kwangwoon University’s Campus Town Project Group last August to observe the best  campus town practices .


The group visited Kwangwoon University’s Campus Town (Clinic Center II) and engaged in discussions about the changes in the university and its surroundings due to the campus town project and shared examples of startup spaces, as explained by Professor Park Tae-Won, the Director of Kwangwoon University Campus Town Project Group (Department of Urban Real Estate). Afterwards, they visited support facilities (the Vitamin Center, Startup Station) and Media Wall near Kwangwoon University.


Meanwhile, Kwangwoon University’s Campus Town is becoming a model case for other universities, starting with the unit type in 2016, being selected as a comprehensive type in 2019, and being re-selected as a comprehensive type in 2023. 


          문휘운 사무국장(광운대 캠퍼스타운사업단)의 미디어월에 대해 설명하는 모습


The Secretary-General, Moon Hwi-Woon (The Kwangwoon University Campus Project Group) explaining the Media Wall