
KWU Campus Town Hosts Successful IR Demo Day for Resident Companies

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  • 2023-11-14
  • 874

Kwangwoon University Campus Town Hosts Successful IR Demo Day for Resident Companies 


그림  박태원 단장(도시계획도시부동산학과 교수)외 수상 기업대표, 심사위원단

Director Tae-won Park (Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Real Estate), representatives of award-winning companies and the judging panel


The Campus Town Project Team, (Director, Professor Tae-won Park, Department of Urban Planning and Real Estate), held an IR Demo Day for resident companies on October 13th. This event was planned to provide domestic and international expansion opportunities for companies residing in the campus town.


A total of 19 companies presented and evaluated, and five were selected as winners. The Grand Prize went to 'WhatWeCare,' while the Outstanding Awards were granted to 'EastToWest' and 'HCLab,' and the Excellence Awards to 'WangWang' and 'WooriDeol.' 'WhatWeCare,' the Grand Prize winner, presented the 'Smart Hearing Loop,' a product that provides sound information to transportation-challenged individuals such as the elderly and visually impaired. The product is already installed and operated at bus stops in Seongdong-gu and Gangnam-gu.


Director Tae-won Park stated, "Companies that have won awards have presented innovative ideas to help socially vulnerable groups and introduced environmentally friendly products. We will continue to do our best to attract investment for resident companies."


Meanwhile, Kwangwoon University has been consecutively selected for the 23rd Seoul Campus Town New Comprehensive Project by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and is collaborating with Nowon-gu to promote the 'Creation of a Startup Valley in the Northeast Region through the Industry-University-Public-Private Cooperation Campus Town 2.0' with a total project cost of 10 billion KRW. Starting with the first-phase unit-type project in 2016 and continuing with the second-phase comprehensive project in 2019, the university aims to complete the startup ecosystem from 2023 to 2026 by continuing the process of the unit-type and comprehensive projects.