
Research team of Prof. Chul-hwan Park won Excellent Paper Presentation Award from KSBB

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  • 2023-12-15
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Research team of Professor Chul-hwan Park (Department of Chemical Engineering) won Excellent Paper Presentation Award from the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Biological Engineering (KSBB)


(왼쪽부터) 화학공학과 배지현, 권혁기, 신현미, 박철환(지도교수), 양은정, 김보경, 이혜선(수상자)

(From left) Ji-Hyun Bae, Hyuk-Gi Kwon, Hyeon-Mi Shin, Professor Chul-hwan Park (Advisor), Eun-Jeong Yang, Bo-Kyung Kim, Hye-Seon Lee (Award recipient)


Hye-seon Lee, a student in the research team of Professor Chul-hwan Park (Department of Chemical Engineering) won the excellent paper presentation award at the ‘2023 Korean Society for Biotechnology Biological Engineering (KSBB) Fall Conference and International Symposium’ held last October.


The academic conference was held under the theme, 'The Era of Biotechnology,' featuring 860 latest research papers and 641 posters. Hye-Seon Lee presented 'Investigation of Enzyme Stability of Enzymatic Synthesis of Puerarin Palmitate Using Immobilized Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase' in the 'Microbial and Bioprocess Engineering' category. Her presentation was selected as an excellent research result in the top 3% of the poster presentation section. She received the award in recognition of her excellence in proposing an industrial applicability through the strategy of developing immobilized enzymes considering operational stability for the synthesis of antioxidant compounds.


Hye-Seon Lee said, “I enjoyed the process of exploring various strategies to solve the problems of conventional antioxidant compound synthesis technologies, and it was rewarding to introduce them at the conference.  I will try hard to further develop this topic to achieve even better results.”


Professor Chul-hwan Park of Department of Chemical Engineering, who supervised the research left a message of encouragement, saying “It is rewarding to watch students grow with passion through guiding research. I hope they will grow into talented people who will open the the era of biotechnology through their consistent efforts.”


Meanwhile, KSBB, established in 1984, is a representative society in the field of biotechnology with about 10,000 members from academia, research institutes, and industry related to biotechnology. Earlier in April of this year, Hye-Seon Lee also won the Excellent Paper Presentation Award at the '2023 KSBB Spring Conference and International Symposium for her research under the theme of 'Determination of major carbohydrates of four different brown macroalgae.'