
Professor Nam-young Kim developed transparent optoelectronic memristor

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  • 2023-12-27
  • 919

Research team of Professor Nam-young Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering) successfully developed transparent optoelectronic memristor for neuromorphic computing applications

- Published in the scientific journal Nano Energy JCR 1% Q1, IF: 19.069 -

- Successfully developed transparent homo-structured optoelectronic memristor for neuromorphic computing applications -  

The research team of Professor Nam-young Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering), together with a PhD student Wang Munhyo (first author), has successfully developed a transparent homo-structured optoelectronic memristor for neuromorphic computing applications.

<(Left) Wang Munhyo, PhD student (Right) Prof. Nam-young Kim>

<(Left) Wang Munhyo, PhD student (Right) Prof. Nam-young Kim>

The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) as part of the Ministry of Education’s Key Research Institute Support Program (2018R1A6A1A0302524) and MIST RS-2023-00302751. The research findings were recognized and published in the internationally renowned journal Nano Energy (IF=19.069) by Elsevier on November 18, 2023, titled 'Operant Conditioning Reflex Implementation in a Transparent Ta2O5-3x/Ta2O5-x Homo-structured Optoelectronic Memristor for Neuromorphic Computing Application'  
