
2024 Spring VISA Process for International Students

  • admin
  • 2024-02-29
  • 887

International Student VISA Process for the 1st Semester of 2024


Please refer to the following information on visa procedures for international students enrolled in the 1st semester of 2024 academic year.


 Visa Extension

1. How to apply

   A. e-Application: HiKorea( > Log in > e-Application

Weekdays 07:00 to 22:00 (Excluding weekends and public holidays) (See in attachment 1 for details)

   B. Immigration visit reservation: HiKorea( > Reserve visit > Visit Reservation Application (Non-member) > Identity verification using passport or ARC number > reservation of your visit date and time > Visit immigration office on the reservation date.

   C. On-campus group application: Only on March 20th , 2024 (Wednesday) (Please refer to the announcement for details 


2. Required documents

Application fee

65,000 KRW

* Cancellation fees for personal reasons: 5000 KRW

Processing time

4-5 weeks from

the submission date

* Do not leave Korea until the procedure is completed. If you leave the country before the extension is approved, your application will be cancelled.

Mandatory Check before applying

In case of passport reissuance

* Report of Changes in Registration: Online (HiKorea, 등록사항변경신고) or visit immigration office.

In case of a change in residence

* Report of Change in Residence: Online (HiKorea, 체류지변경신고) or visit immigration office.

Required Documents

Application Form

* Must include a cell phone number and email address where you can be reached in Korea

Residence Card (Formerly ARC)[KO1] 

*  Print the period of stay on the back of the registration card and return it

Copy of the information page on your passport

* Bottom code must be fully visible

Certificate of Enrollment

* Certificate issued after entering Korea

Academic Transcript

* After the transcript examination, an additional document “Statement of Reasons for Underachievement (학습부진사유서)”can be requested.

* For those who go under the detailed examination, group application is not available (individual application is required)

1)  Any semester with a GPA of 1.0 or lower within the past year (even if the overall GPA is 2.0 or higher)

2)  Have 4 or more F grades within the past year (even if your overall GPA is 2.0 or higher)

Financial Verification Documents

Submission is required by the following students only:


    Undergraduate/Master's/Doctoral (D22/D23/D24): Individuals with a total GPA or the previous semester's GPA below 2.0.


Undergraduate (D22): Those who have completed regular semesters and have additional semesters.


Master's/Doctoral (D23/D24): Individuals requiring a visa extension for thesis preparation.


Undergraduate/Master's/Doctoral (D22/D23/D24): Those enrolled in an evening degree program without daytime classes.

   ///: A "Balance Certificate" from a Korean bank under the student's name. _For extension requests for 1 semester: 6,420,000 KRW or more (issued within 20 days of the application date). For extension requests for 2 semesters and beyond: 12,840,000 KRW or more.


: For students in evening degree programs, deposit and withdrawal transactions for the last 6 months must also be submitted.

Proof of Residence

*The most recent 'Notice of Expiration of Stay Period (체류기간 만료예고 통지서)' or 'Public Utility Payment Notice (공공요금 납부고지서)' sent in your own name.

*Or other proof of residence documents (refer to the attached file for documents required by type).


Power of Attorney 1)


Additional Documents

Undergraduate’s delayed graduation

Proof of a delayed graduation

* Signed by  advisor and the staff of Office of International Affairs

* Must include specific reasons for the graduation delay in handwritten form (in case you haven’t met the credit requirements, you need to submit your course schedule for this semester)

Graduate student’s delayed graduation

Certificate of Completion of Courses


Thesis advisor’s confirmation letter 2)

* Signed by  advisor and the staff of Office of International Affairs

* Detailed thesis writing schedule by month


1) Use the attached file ‘Power of Attorney’.

2) Use the attached file ‘Confirmation for Faculty Advisor on a Student’s Thesis, Graduation Examination, and Credit Schedule’.


3. Notes

A. You cannot visit the immigration office without making an appointment (however, if you unavoidably visit the immigration office on the day of your visa expiration, you will be accepted after receiving a waiting list in the morning)

B. HiKorea e-Application can be applied up to one day before the visa expiration date (Excluding weekends and public holidays)

C. Students whose academic status have changed (leave of absence/dropout/expulsion/graduates) must leave the country within 30 days after the change, regardless of their visa expiration date.


 Foreigner registration (Must apply within 90 days of entering Korea)

1. How to apply

   A. Apply for immigration visit: HiKorea( > Reserve visit > Visit Reservation Application (Non-member) > Identity verification using passport or ARC number > Reserve your visit date and time > Visit immigration office on the reservation date.

   BGroup application on campus: Only on March 20th , 2024 (Wednesday) (Please refer to the announcement for details:

2. Required documents

Application fee


* Cancellation fees for personal reasons: 5000 KRW

Processing Time

12 weeks from

the submission date 

* Do not leave Korea until the procedure is completed.

* If foreigner registration is successfully completed, there should be no issues even after 90 days of entry.

Required Documents

Application Form &

Passport-size Photo

* Correct e-mail address

(Refund is not possible if the applicant is unreachable due to incorrect or unverified email address)

* Attach a photo taken within the last 6 months that meets the face photo submission criteria (refer to the attached file)

Copy of the information page of your passport

* Code at the bottom of the passport must be visible

Copy of the visa page on your passport

* Most recently issued Korean visa

Certificate of Enrollment

* Certificate issued after entering Korea

Proof of Residence

* The precise address of the real estate, information and signatures of the landlord and tenant, and the duration of residence must all be verified.


* The residency period must be a minimum of 2 months, and the place of residence should not be changed during the registration process.


* Please refer to the attachment for the documents to be prepared for each type of residence


 Inquiries: Office of International Affairs 02-940-5016

             (HiKorea related inquiries 1345)   


Office of International Affairs