
Kwangwoon University Entrance Ceremony for the 2024 Academic Year

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  • 2024-02-29
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Kwangwoon University Entrance Ceremony for the 2024 Academic Year

- President Jangho Chun: "May the new students become the protagonists of the butterfly effect of the success stories at Kwangwoon, growing into creative and convergent talents in the era of ICT/AI/software."

- Min-soo Kim, President of the Alumni Association: "May the new students have the pride and confidence of  being Kwangwoon individuals with passionate and challenging spirits."


2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 개최

Kwangwoon University Entrance Ceremony for 2024



The entrance ceremony for the 2024 academic year at Kwangwoon University took place on February 19 (Mon), 2024, at 1:00 PM at the Donghae Culture and Arts Center Grand Theater. The ceremony was held with the participation of President Jangho Chun, Min-soo Kim, president of the alumni association, university faculty and staff, and freshmen and their parents.


The ceremony included an opening speech, national anthem, academic report, freshmen oath, President Jangho Chun's address, and a welcome speech by Min-soo Kim, president of the alumni association. The freshmen oath was led by freshmen representatives Su-an Park (Dept. of English Language and Industry, Class of '24) and Sung-min Han (Division of Robotics, Class of '24).


President Jangho Chun said, “Congratulations on your admission to Kwangwoon University, which is the cradle of electronics and is characterized by software based on ICT (Information, Communication, Technology), and I ask you to start your university life as a member of Kwangwoon with  the spirit of challenge to become creative and convergent talents in the  in the era of limitless competition in the global era, the era of big-blur, and the era of artificial intelligence software. We expect the new students would be the protagonists of the butterfly effect, the protagonists of the Kwangwoon story, the protagonists of the Kwangwoon legend, and the protagonists of the Kwangwoon success myths who change the world and create miracles by starting small but the results are beyond imagination.”.


Min-soo Kim, President of the alumni association, said, “Welcome to Kwangwoon University, which is playing the leading role in fostering the human resources needed for advancing South Korea's cutting-edge industries, such as ICT, semiconductors, robotics, and AI, to a global level. I hope you will set goals and challenge yourself passionately, grow into global talents with the pride of being Kwangwoon individuals, and have the pride of being the best and proud of yourself.”


After the ceremony, the new students participated in orientation sessions with information on course registration, academic information, international exchange programs, the central library, student counseling center, and the student military education corp. The campus life is scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024, marking the start of the first semester of the 2024 academic year.


Meanwhile, this year, a total of 2,024 undergraduate students were admitted to 33 departments (undergraduate) under eight colleges, and the university welcomed a total of 2,567 new students including graduate students in master's, doctoral, integrated master's-doctoral programs, and various special graduate programs.


2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 대표학생 선서(왼쪽부터 박수안(영어산업학과 24학번), 한성민(로봇학부 24학번))

Representative of Kwangwoon University’s 2024 entering class taking the student oath (From left to right: Su-an Park, Dept. of English Language and Industry, Class of '24, Sung-min Han, Division of Robotics, Class of '24)


2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 천장호 총장 훈사

President Jangho Chun’s Speech at Kwangwoon University’s 2024 Entrance Ceremony

2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 김민수 총동문회장 환영사

Welcome Speech by Min-soo Kim, President of the Alumni Association, at Kwangwoon University’s 2024 Entrance Ceremony


2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 참석 신입생들

New Students attending the 2024 Kwangwoon University Entrance Ceremony 


2024학년도 광운대학교 입학식 안내 모습

Guidance Scene at the 2024 Kwangwoon University Entrance Ceremony