
KWU wins the University Division Ice Hockey Championship

  • admin
  • 2024-03-13
  • 559

Kwangwoon University wins the University Division Ice Hockey Championship in the 105th National Winter Sports Competition


광운대 아이스하키부 제105회 전국동계체육대회 우승 현수막 사진


The ice hockey team of Kwangwoon University participated as the representative of Seoul in the university division of the 105th National Winter Sports Competition, held at Gangneung Hockey Center on February 23rd (Friday). The team won the gold medal with a 5 to 3 comeback victory overKyung Hee University, representing Gyeonggi-do.


With this victory, Kwangwoon University’s ice hockey team won its fifth consecutive title at the tournament, following their victories in 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023. (The 2021 competition was not held due to COVID-19.)


아이스하키부 제105회 전국동계체육대회 우승 기념 사진
천장호 총장 외 8명 사진 


Young-jo Kim, coach of the Kwangwoon University ice hockey team said, “It was great to show the hard work we put into preparing for the competition. I would like to thank many people, including school officials, parents, and reporters who traveled to Gangneung to support us despite the challenging weather conditions.”