
Student Jaeyoon Lee, Winner of the 3rd Future and Software Competition

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  • 2024-04-02
  • 509

Student Jaeyoon Lee (School of Information Convergence 2),

Winner of the 3rd Future and Software Competition

- Improving Communication using Voice Data for the  Dysarthria -


 이재윤 학생(정보융합학부),  제3회 미래와 소프트웨어 공모전 대상 수상
이재윤 학생 사진자료

[Student Jaeyoon Lee (School of Information Convergence 2)]


The team of Jung-woo Kim (Ajou University), Sigeon Yang (Graduate School of Kyunghee University), Jaeyoon Lee (Kwangwoon University), and Eun-ah Jeon (Duksung Women's University) won the Grand prize (first Prize) by breaking through a competition ratio of 409:1 at the 3rd Idea Competition, "Big Data Utilization Future Social Issue Solution Idea Hackathon," held in collaboration with the Foundation 'Future and Software'.


Student Jaeyoon Lee (School of Information Convergence 2) was able to complete this project under the guidance of Professor Hyoung-Gook Kim (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering). The submitted model, named 'Kyungcheong,' is a complex artificial intelligence model for speech recognition for the patients with dysarthria to improve communication difficulties. 'Kyungcheong' is composed of a decision-based compound model that combines a total of five sub-models for discriminating and recognizing speech with dysarthria. Unlike existing models, this model allows anyone to use a suitable speech recognition model regardless of the severity of the dysarthria.


In his acceptance speech, student Jaeyoon Lee (School of Information Convergence 2) emphasized the difficulty that elderly dysarthria patients face in communication with both people and technology, saying, "Through this technological proposal, I hope that there will be more technological considerations for the elderly and other marginalized groups in the future, moving beyond advanced technology to create warm technology that stays by people's side, and I hope for a future society like that."