
Chiwon Choi: 2024 NRF Master's Program Grant Recipient

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  • 2024-04-09
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Chiwon Choi (Master Student in Electronic Materials Engineering)

Selected for the 2024 Master's Program Research Encouragement Grant of National Research Foundation

- Aims to Develop Low-cost Cathode Materials Based on Iron and Improve Electrode Energy Density -


Chiwon Choi (Master's program) from the research team of Professor Minkyung Kim (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) has been selected for the '2024 Master's Program Research Encouragement Grant Support Program' of the National Research Foundation of Korea.

최치원 학생 및 김민경 교수 사진


The purpose of this program is to support the research of creative and challenging ideas related to thesis research by master's students. As part of the 'Support for Next Generation in Science and Engineering Fields' program, which provides various research opportunities for young researchers enrolled as full-time students in graduate programs in Korea and supports their growth, Chiwon Choi will now be able to conduct research in his field of interest proactively and independently.


Chiwon Choi submitted a project with the theme of 'realization of low-cost, high-energy-density next-generation secondary batteries by developing iron-based high-capacity cathode materials and improving electrode energy density’ and was selected for the program. He aims to develop low-cost cathode materials based on iron and increase electrode energy density in the future.


Chiwon Choi said, "Through the implementation of this project, I will develop technology to increase the competitiveness of domestic secondary battery materials by developing low-cost secondary battery materials."