
Kwangwoon University Campus Town Completes Selection of Occupying Companies in 2024

  • admin
  • 2024-04-19
  • 414

Kwangwoon University Campus Town Completes Selection of Occupying Companies in 2024

- Aims to create 40 Companies in the University’s Specialized Technological Fields -


Kwangwoon University Campus Town announced that it has selected a total of 40 companies in the university’s specialized technological entrepreneurship fields such as robotics, energy bio, and ICT, after a fierce competition with 135 companies participating in the recruitment of occupying companies for 2024, which resulted in more than a three-to-one competition ratio.


지난 3월 27일 진행된 입주 기업에 대한 사업설명회 사진

(Business presentation for the selected occupying companies on March 27th)


Kwangwoon University Campus Town is a startup center established and operated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Nowon-gu and provides 17 independent office spaces for occupying companies. In addition to space and facilities, the companies moving in this time will also receive a step-by-step program for attracting investment and commercialization support funds ranging from a minimum of 5 million won to a maximum of 25 million won.


Furthermore, Kwangwoon University Campus Town plans to conduct practical investment promotion programs for selected companies through inter-university regional alliances, including basic entrepreneurship capacity enhancement programs for the selected companies, IR production support for attracting investment, English IR and global consulting, and IR demo days.


In 2023, Kwangwoon University Campus Town achieved remarkable results such as total sales of 700 million won, investments of 200 million won, 23 patents, and 28 external startup support cases, and aims to improve its performance compared to the previous year in 2024. Yong-jae Kwon, CEO of 'UriDul', which passed the extended review after last year, said, "The specialized programs of Kwangwoon University and the support programs centered on occupying companies were very helpful."


Tae-won Park, Director of the Kwangwoon University Campus Town Business Unit, Hwi-woon Moon, Office Manager, Wang-jin Moon, Senior Manager, and Jin-young Ryu, Manager, were in charge of selecting occupying companies this time, and plan to fully commit to the operation of facilities and programs at the Campus Town Entrepreneurship Incubation Center in the future."