
College of AI Convergence of KWU Signs Business Agreement with Seoul Metropolitan Northern Welfare

  • admin
  • 2024-04-19
  • 478

College of Artificial Intelligence Convergence of Kwangwoon University,

Signs Business Agreement with Seoul Metropolitan Northern Welfare Center for the Disabled

- Aims to spread community values through customized education and assistive technology development support -

- The 'Wish Corps', composed of students from the College of A.I. Convergence, will provide SW educational services -


Kwangwoon University's College of Artificial Intelligence and Convergence (Dean, Professor Byung-Jun Park) announced that it signed a business agreement with the Seoul Metropolitan Northern Disability Welfare Center (Director, Yeon-Hwa Shin) at Kwangwoon University's Saebit Building 402 on April 4.


The ceremony began with the introduction and greetings of the participants, followed by the introduction of the 2024 business agreement, discussion of the schedule, signing of the agreement, and commemorative photo.

Through the agreement, the two organizations plan to form consensus for mutual development and lay the foundation, strengthen a cooperation system in education services and assistive technology services, and listen to field-oriented opinions and conduct demand surveys.


In particular, the 'Wish Corps', composed of students from Kwangwoon University's College of Artificial Intelligence and Convergence, will contribute to the spread of community values by providing customized education and supporting assistive technology development programs that benefit the disabled by working closely with the Seoul Metropolitan Northern Welfare Center for the Disabled, focusing on software education and specialized projects to solve problems faced by the disabled.


광운대학교 인공지능융합대학장 박병준 교수와 서울시립북부장애인 종합복지관 신연화 관장(사진 왼쪽부터)


본 협약 프로그램은 광운대학교 이상민 교수(정보융합학부), 박규동 교수(정보융합학부), 유지현 교수(컴퓨터정보공학부) 중심으로 ‘소원봉사단’이 협력하여 노력하고 있다.