
The 1st Kwangwoon University President's Cup Sports Taping Competition Held

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  • 2024-05-09
  • 398

The 1st Kwangwoon University President's Cup Sports Taping Competition Held

- Hosted by the Department of Sports Counseling and Rehabilitation, attended by over 50 participants -


On April 13th, Kwangwoon University held the "1st Kwangwoon University President's Cup Sports Taping Competition" at the Saebit Building, organized by the Department of Sports Counseling and Rehabilitation of the College of Veritas et Lux Talents Development.


Sports taping is an important technique widely used for injury prevention and treatment of athletes, and the competition was planned to promote sports taping techniques effectively and to discover a group of trained professionals.


Despite being the first of its kind in the country, about 50 participants showed off their skills, and one winner for a grand prize, two for most outstanding performance, four for excellence, and ten for encouragement were selected to receive prizes, trophies, and certificates.


Sang-won Min, Executive Vice President for External Affairs at Kwangwoon University, Dr. Yong Bum Park, Director of the Rehabilitation Medicine at Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital, and Professor Young-ju Kim, the Department of Sports Science at Sungshin Women's University visited the Saebit Building at Kwangwoon University to congratulate the competition on its inauguration, and Seong-gil Kim, Dean of the College of Veritas et Lux Talents Development at Kwangwoon University declared the closing at the end of the competition, promising a follow-up event.


제1회 광운대학교 총장배 스포츠테이핑 대회 참가자들이 심사위원들에게 평가를 받고 있다.

Participants of the 1st Kwangwoon University President's Cup Sports Taping Competition are evaluated by the Judges.