Recent Research Accomplishments


Eco-Friendly Energy Generation Technology that Charges While Walking

  • admin
  • 2022-11-15
  • 1098


Professor Jae-Young Park's Team Developed an Eco-Friendly Energy Generation Technology that Charges While Walking

- Developed a vibration-based ultra-high output energy harvesting technology that harvests large amounts of electricity in daily life -

- It is expected to be used as a semi-permanent eco-friendly power source for wearable smart devices, IoT systems, and smartphones -

- Selected as the cover paper of the leading international academic journal, Advanced Energy Materials (IF: 29.678) - 


Professor Jae-Young Park's research team (Department of Electronic Engineering) at Kwangwoon University succeeded in developing an eco-friendly hybrid energy harvesting device that can semi-permanently obtain ultra-high-power electricity from the human body's mechanical energy (walking, running, etc.). The hybrid energy harvesting device developed by the research team is an electromagnetic force energy harvesting device using a Halbach magnet array, polyethylene oxide nanofiber (positive friction material) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) nanowire (negative friction material). With a structure that combines two sliding triboelectric energy harvesting elements into one device, it produces ultra-high output electricity that can be used as a semi-permanent power source for various wearable smart devices like smart phones and smart bands.



박재영 교수(좌)와 소헬 박사과정(우)
< Professor Jaeyoung Park (left) and Ph.D. student Sohel (right)>


 This research was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Science and ICT's mid-sized research project (2017M3A9F1031270) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's industrial technology innovation project (RS-2022-00154983, low-power sensor and self-contained power sensor platform development for operation). The research results were selected for publication and cover paper in November 2022 in Advanced Energy Materials (IF: 29.678) published by WILEY, the world's leading energy research journal.


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< Ultra-high-power hybrid energy harvesting device and its application examples >